Friday, July 25, 2008

Sheetrocking has begun!

They got the basement and downstairs bath all sheetrocked today. They haven't done the garage yet, but I couldn't believe how much they were able to acomplish in a day. This wouldv'e taken us weeks. I'm glad we decided to hire them to do it instead of leaving it for us to finish "someday". Having "walls" makes such a difference! Its so much brighter and lighter! Its really looking like a house. Yay!!
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Unknown said...

OMG!!! I can't believe how fast this is going! It's a REAL HOUSE, can you believe it?!! I am so excited to see it!

P.S. You don't have to clean up THAT mess every day, do you??

Marty and Jenny said...

I hope not. I need to ask our contractor if that's our responsibility or the sheetrockers, I hope its theirs! They do have a trailer outside of the garage to put all the scraps in, so at least it would make it a little easier to clean up.